Emerging Insights in Technology & Humanity
In a world of increasing change and complexity, we need system-change
leaders who target the root-causes of problems and create innovative
social models to eradicate them. Ashoka along with the support of
Google.org - Google's philanthropic arm has brought together 28 social
entrepreneurs who are creating impact with their systems and utilizing
technology for positive social and systemic change.
Change Makers
Social Entrepreneurs
This report features how 28 social entrepreneurs are driving
change, their challenges, and their understandings of the current gaps
in the system.
TrustCircle is improving emotional resilience and well-being for all
by focussing on prevention and early intervention of mental health
issues, and by empowering individuals and organizations to take
proactive action, create awareness, destigmatize mental health, and to
promote overall wellbeing of our society at large.
TrustCircle is inspiring systemic change at two levels - First,
at the education level by introducing social-emotional learning
as a core to our education system. Our youth is our future and
by making our youth resilient we are serving the roots of our
future. Secondly, we want to shift the narrative towards
prevention and early intervention. It’s a shame how poorly we’ve
done in the field of mental health, so far. So, unless we shift
the narrative towards prevention and emotional resilience things
won’t change, because only the highest risk individuals will be
served with the last mile health solutions. If you can bring in
the filters of prevention and early intervention at the
education level, youth level, child level, fewer and fewer
individuals will actually flip over into the illness spectrum.
Sachin Chaudhry
Founder, TrustCircle
Founder, TrustCircle
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